7.4 哇哦居然是部爱情片感觉全片都在不断重构007这一代号所代表的意义逐步击垮男性主导的话语权(尤其体现在圣地亚哥一段女性的轻盈和男性的笨重形成了鲜明的对比)从而让邦德的退幕显得更加顺理成章一头一尾当然是极好的满载着碧梨歌词里那种reckless to love的感觉全身都不胖只有肚子大怎么减肥几乎可以让人忘记safin这个角色有多么傻逼多么意义不明了(我没看错的话片头动画部分子弹最后一个构成的是vesper吧!)
#FNC2020online# "The officer and his wife will always be remembered by the court portraits. The dead will vanish into nothing. In times like this, it is more important to talk about the dead than about the living. Don't take people's spirit away. I will die without leaving a mark because I don't have a history. Tell my story and the story of the dead."