we're probably just spending half of life chasing after a beautiful image of him/her, and think we understand each other, and think that is beautiful, and think that is love, but why not? Btw, finally understood Ethan's charm from this one... pure and silly at the same time...pretty
有时候会恍惚屏幕里的生命是和我一起真实存在于这个地球的吗生命本身就蕴含着动人心魄的美而这些震撼的美距离我那么遥远给我免费播放片高清在线观看只能通过他人的镜头和描述来感知所以就会产生不真实的感觉赞美那些努力存活生生不息的生命感恩历尽艰辛为我们展现地球另一边的世界的人们 和其它优质纪录片一样它几乎每一帧都是一副绝美且独一无二的画看到这样的景会让人感叹活着真好而这个纪录片的独特之美在于它在思考:Never has it been more important to understand how the natural works, and how to help it. 每集结尾对“残酷”的大自然的揭露让我们更直接的感受到保护环境刻不容缓啊